How to Write Effective Business Articles
An entity that engages in commercial, industrial or professional activities and is designed to make a profit. It may be a private for-profit enterprise or a non-profit organization whose purpose is to further a social cause or charitable mission. Businesses can range in size from sole proprietorships to multinational corporations and can be organized as either a corporation or a partnership. They also can be classified in terms of the industry and type of activity they are involved in, such as services, manufacturing or retail.
Business articles are a form of written content that offers information or insight on a subject of interest to readers. They can take the form of how-to articles that explain specific business skills or techniques, case studies that describe how a company helped a client to solve a problem, and commentaries or opinions on important business issues such as new regulations or economic trends.
Whether you write a business article for your own website or blog or as part of a newsletter, it’s important to follow some basic rules when writing your content. These guidelines will help you to present your article in a professional manner, increase the value of your content and ensure that it is read and understood by your audience.
Avoid the use of jargon or buzzwords. While some of these are unavoidable and can be useful as shorthand, overuse is usually a sign of lazy or cluttered thinking. It can also confuse or mislead your audience. Instead, focus on using fewer words and explaining each one clearly. Using a dictionary or thesaurus can help you to find alternate words that convey your meaning as well as reduce your use of jargon.
It is often easy to see why so many people criticize business: personal greed, a lack of scrutiny of corporate affairs or an insensitivity towards public opinion are just some of the accusations levelled at business leaders. But these charges are too simplistic. They may reflect a flawed culture, but they are not the whole story. What is needed is not just more laws and greater regulation of business, but a fundamental change in the way that business is run.
There is a cult of selfishness in business that needs to be challenged. It is not just a question of a few bad apples, but of the entire industry being infected with a disease. It is a disease that has been spread by a belief that the market is always right, that shareholders should be given priority over employees, and that profits should always be king. These changes won’t come from the top down, but from the bottom up. The only cure for this malaise is for business to start leading the charge in areas such as environmental and social sustainability, rather than forever being pushed onto the defensive.